Thursday, May 11, 2017
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Glidden House, Cleveland, OH
the telos institute is excited to offer our annual Renewal & Discovery event. This year will highlight a new group of thought leaders & speakers, meaningful learning activities, and opportunities to engage and network with other professionals. We invite you to join us, as part of the telos community, for a day of professional development, relationship building, and knowledge sharing, centered on the key issues facing today’s leading organizations: leadership, strategy, and change.
We’re pleased to announce David Gilbert, CEO of Destination Cleveland & The Cleveland Sports Council as our keynote speaker.
Dr. Francoise Adan, MD will be joining us as a special guest speaker on mindfulness & renewal. In addition, we look forward to hosting our panel of leaders and executives who will be sharing special insights relevant to you and your organization.
If you have not received an invitation, and would like to attend or would like additional information, please contact Nicole Rye-Newman at
To register/RSVP online, click “Buy tickets/Join the guest list” below!
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