Business Model Innovation
Business model innovation is about fundamentally rethinking your business around a clear—though not always obvious—customer need, then realigning your resources, processes and profit formula with this new value proposition. This boundless approach can be energizing and yield dramatic results.
Unlock Significant Growth
At telos, we understand the power that business model innovation has to transform enterprises, create new markets, and unlock significant growth. The process begins with identifying an industry’s foremost belief about value creation and then articulating the notions that support this belief. It’s also rooted in simultaneously challenging widely held beliefs and embracing what others might think is unthinkable. By turning long held underlying notions on their head—and reframing them—incumbents can look for new forms and mechanisms to create value.
Unlike other types of innovation, changes to the business model often require shifts to the foundational decisions upon which the business operates. Therefore, business model innovation will likely be radical, and in many cases, transformational.
Contact Us“the telos institute used creative techniques to get us to look at issues in a new and effective manner and to take better advantage of opportunities for advancing our mission. They helped us to stretch our minds and made us comfortable during the process. Obviously telos did their research and we never felt we were getting a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach. An outstanding experience.”
– John Eklund
Lawyer and Ohio State Senator